Friday, October 16, 2009

Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island :D

Yup Yup, I know all you Total Drama fans have already seen Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island, but I'm posting the episode here in parts.... Because who doesn't like a little TDDDDI? ;]



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Monday, October 12, 2009

Total Drama, The MUSICAL!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Okay, okay, for all you Total Drama fans, this is BIG! Yes, a third season of Total Drama will be airing. It'll be called Total Drama, The Musical. Fifteen of the original contestants will be returning, including two NEW contestants. Chris and Chef will be there, too. You can learn more about it here,,_The_Musical
or you can watch this video...

Six Left...

Six contestants left...who do you think will win? Who will win the one million dollars? Will it be Courtney, Duncan, Harold, Justin, Lindsay, or Beth? You'll have to watch to find out ;]

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Here is a cute anime/chibi video I thought I'd show. I just love it ^.^
>If you dont understand what the video is about, it's about a boy and girl seperated by and unbreakable glass. When the boy tries to break the glass, his hand is injured and he can't draw anymore. The girl gives him her her hand.

So Long, Heather and Leshawna!

First, Heather was voted off in the 15th episode of Total Drama Action. She was voted off because Harold and Duncan would rather have Leshawna stay and Heather leave. Leshawna was voted off in the next episode because Duncan, Harold, and Justin tried to form an alliance and they voted Leshawna off the set, since they thought she was their biggest threat. Who do you think will be voted off next?