Duncan is the winner of TDA! The former TDA contestants held a vote. Since Duncan recieved the most votes, he was crowned winner of TDA. Get ready for the third season of Total Drama, Total Drama THE MUSICAL!
It's down to Beth and Duncan. On the last episode, it was a tie between Beth and Duncan. So, Cartoon Network will be holding the tie-breaker this Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Who will the winner be? Beth...or Duncan?
On last night's episode, Harold was voted off. This leaves Beth, Courtney, Duncan, and Owen. Duncan probably persuaded everyone to vote of Harold since he accidentally killed Duncan's pet tarantula. Courtney also formed an alliance with Beth, which could have resulted in his elimination. So, who do you think will be voted off next?
Okay, so there are five contestants left. There would have been four, but Owen returned in episode 21, "Rock 'n Rule." Lindsay was just voted off, leaving Owen, Duncan, Harold, Beth, and Courtney. Now that there are only five constestants left, who do you think will win??
Yup Yup, I know all you Total Drama fans have already seen Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island, but I'm posting the episode here in parts.... Because who doesn't like a little TDDDDI? ;]
Okay, okay, for all you Total Drama fans, this is BIG! Yes, a third season of Total Drama will be airing. It'll be called Total Drama, The Musical. Fifteen of the original contestants will be returning, including two NEW contestants. Chris and Chef will be there, too. You can learn more about it here, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Drama,_The_Musical or you can watch this video...
Six contestants left...who do you think will win? Who will win the one million dollars? Will it be Courtney, Duncan, Harold, Justin, Lindsay, or Beth? You'll have to watch to find out ;]
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Here is a cute anime/chibi video I thought I'd show. I just love it ^.^ >If you dont understand what the video is about, it's about a boy and girl seperated by and unbreakable glass. When the boy tries to break the glass, his hand is injured and he can't draw anymore. The girl gives him her her hand.
First, Heather was voted off in the 15th episode of Total Drama Action. She was voted off because Harold and Duncan would rather have Leshawna stay and Heather leave. Leshawna was voted off in the next episode because Duncan, Harold, and Justin tried to form an alliance and they voted Leshawna off the set, since they thought she was their biggest threat. Who do you think will be voted off next?
After DJ was voted off, Izzy came back on the next episode and called herself a new name...Explosivo. "Explosivo" was voted off because she cost The Killer Grips the first war challenge. Also, Justin conviced Lindsay and Beth to vote for "Explosivo." Then, on the next episode, Owen was voted off because he cost his team a challenge....and also mistaking his teammates for food.
On the latest episode of Total Drama Action, DJ was voted off....well he sort of quit...Even though his team didn't lose, he ran into the elimination ceremony saying that he formed an illegal with Chef. He couldn't take it, so he basically quit.
This week on Total Drama Action, Gwen was voted off. Well, I wouldn't say it was a fair vote-off, because she basically sabotaged her own team just to get herself voted off. She did this because she owed the Killer Grips from episode five since the Killer Grips thought she knew Trent was throwing challenges for her.
This week on Total Drama Action, instead of challenges, an episode of TDA Aftermath will be on. Geoff and Bridgette, the hosts, will be interviewing special geusts Trent and Izzy. Former Total Drama Island contestants that are not on Total Drama Action will be sitting on couches, watching the aftermath. There might be a second episode of the aftermath, also.
Next to be voted off the show...Trent....Trent was voted off because Justin found out he was throwing challenges for Gwen and the Screaming Gaffers. Also, Trent was going crazy with the number nine..When Ducan ate one of his eggs, he said "Oh no! Now there's only eight left!" When Beth offered him a friendship bracelet, he waved it over his head nine times. During the sand castle building task, Trent said "Ok, we need nine windows, nine moats, and nine flags." Weird, don't you think? Well anyways, cya Trent...
Ok, so far three people have been voted off of the show; Geoff, Brigdette, and Izzy. Too bad Bridgette got voted off...Bridgette was my favorite. Anyways, did you notice the competition between Gwen and Trent? Trent was really jealous of Gwen and Duncan...so he called Gwen a wannabe! Uh-oh...that's something you don't want to say to your girlfriend.. Now that three people have been voted off, who do you think is next?
Ok, so Geoff and Bridgette were voted off (because of their constant making out) Who do you think will be voted off next? Hmm...we'll have to watch and find out...
Ok, so the first episode of Total Drama Action aired last week. Luckily, nobody was voted off. It was sort of like an intro, the first episode. But be prepared. On the third episode, somebody is going to be voted off. Maybe two people at the same time? Hmmmmm. I know who, but I'm not telling. Who do you think will be taking a ride on the Lame-o-sine?
Ok, it's time...Tonight...At 9:00...TOTAL DRAMA ACTION! It's the premiere of Total Drama Action in the U.S.A! Can't watch it? There's a repeat of it on Saturday, June 13, at 8:00 PM. Yay! :D
Want the whole season of Total Drama Island? Oh yes, I know you do. Go to the Cartoon Network shop on cartoonnetwork.com. Too expensive? Try amazon.com.
Ok, so it turns out that Total Drama Action will be coming out on June 11th, not June 4th. >:[ Now we all have to wait another 7 DAYS! Mark your calendars for June 11th, at 9:00 PM.
I'm so excited about the Total Drama Island merchandise that will be coming out. :D Oh, and, there'll also be the first season on DVD. It will be out on August 8.
You can learn more about the TDI merchandise at: http://www.playthings.com/article/ CA6656698.html
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that my library teacher has a blog-about books :P. If you wanna go on it, go to google and type in Miss. Pavone's good book blog. Check it out soon!
Here in America, Cartoon Network has been doing re-runs of TDI so much that it's pretty obvious that TDI season 2 will be coming out soon.(June 4th) It's on every Thursday at 4:00 PM, and every Sunday at 11:30 AM. To see more of the TDI listings, just go to tvguidechannel.com.
TDA Aftermath will be episodes of TDA hosted by Geoff and Bridgette since they were voted off first because of their constant making out. TDA Aftermath is the 6th episode of TDA. Izzy and Trent will be interviewed on the show. Cody, Noah, Eva, Ezekiel, Katie, and Sadie will be in the audience. (they did not make it to TDA) Courtney is in the audience, but it is said that she tries to get into TDA.
The makers of Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action were planning on making some of the campers look like this. They look so weird...Don't they? I'm so glad that they made them look like they do now...What do you think???
OK, well I've been hearing a lot of rumors for when Total Drama Action will air in America, but I'm pretty sure it will begin airing on Cartoon Network in the SUMMER. Maybe the date will be June 4th. I could be wrong, just going by my research. 15 of the original campers will return, icluding Chris MacClean as host, and Chef Hatchet as the chef. There is even said to be the director :O. The show will take place in an abandoned movie lot, where the campers are competing for 1 MILLION DOLLARS! In place of the campfire ceremony, there will be an award ceremony where the remaining contestants will receive a gilded trophy of the host, with the one who does not receive a trophy walks down the Dreaded Carpet Walk of Shame to the Lame-o-sine and leave Total Drama Action for good. The two teams are said to be The Killer Grips and The Screaming Gaffers. AND! THERE MIGHT BE A THIRD SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But even if there is, the original directors will not be returning. :'( ~tear~
OK! I have the opening of TOTAL DRAMA ACTION! Enjoy!